Wednesday, March 12, 2008

A day in second year

"Wake up u bastard" i said to the slightly bulky form lying on the bed across the room, "its 8:20.." The bulky form moved and slowly sat up, and from beneath the blanket, a pair of bleary green/gray eyes looked at me as if i'd committed some mortal sin, mumbled something that sounded like "kakka yaapa" and went back to the form in which i found it when i had to use the 7-letter expletive. The 'slightly' bulky owner of the bleary eyes, Ashwin, had been my roommate for a couple of years and a co-conspirer (am too lazy to look for the correct word/spelling) in many of my frowned-upon-activities. "If u dont wake up now, you are going to top the list of ppl with attendance lag again" I said, poking him with a ruler that we used to turn out the light or to open the door or any conceivable not-so-constructive purpose a ruler can be put to use for. He finally sat up, peered at his watch for what seemed like aeons and let out his customary "SHIT" when the profundity of what the two thin hands of his watch could convey, struck him. I went out to wash my face because i knew there was more to come. We'd lately developed this habit of taking bath in the evenings so we could sleep late into the mornings b4 going to college and so it took us only five mins to get ready to go to college.
That morning was no different. After i'd satisfied myself that i looked remotely human, i went back to my room to take my bag (which had my ipod, a couple of novels and one scrawny notebook in which my various attempts at drawing were carried out in class when the novels were seized). I entered the room to a sight that became much more familiar to me later on.. Ashwin was on his bed, lying on his back, with his eyes shut tight and his mouth open wide. The lazy bugger had gone off to sleep again and was drooling away profusely on his pillow.
Somebody had to do something about this sleeping habit of his. Somebody had to be stern with him and change him..Somebody had to teach him the importance of attending college.. well that somebody was not going to be me. i sat down on the chair, removed my slippers, lay down on my bed and closed my eyes and welcomed the magical feeling of content that came to one who knew that, at that very instant, his poor classmates were slogging away to college, when he was going to lie down on a comfortable bed and sleep his ass off..

PS:The word "College" reminds me of only two main aspects.. one is Tek Music (our music band) and the other is the amount of bunking Ashwin and i did together.. My first blog is dedicated to the 'slightly' bulky bastard who made my college and hostel life worth living.. Those were the best days.. u know the rest... :)


dj_prashu said...

hey dude,nice blog its short n sweet.... write more.... u sound like a "peter" :)

sid said...

Hey machan unmaya sollu ivlo eng unaka nyabagam irukaa???edho shakespere maari ezhudiraka?cha unakulla edho irundharaka paaren:(machan enakum davloonda eng solli kudra...apram keep writin appo dan enaka ivlo eng la vaarthai iraka na theriyum:)chao.....

bharath said...

machan its pretty good da!!!keep writin da do blog regularly !!the english is pretty good!!!keep it up cheers dude!!!

sakthi said...

hi da.. i too wanna mention what others said..the way u expressed was really superb..hope u never thought much while writing this:)often write something if u find time..bye da

Madhu said...

hey sai..u guys seem to hav fun in ur hostel-boyish fun..glad u guys take a shower atleast in the evenings. in my bro's hostel,his roomies showed me a washbasin as their shower!guess tats days r the most fun it to the fullest..cheers!!

Navneeth said...

haha.... was great sai....
nice work man...."feelings"
hopin to read more... so keep writin

Happiness! said...

heyy anna!!!! lovely one!!!! i could imagine each and eveyr scene there!!! heheheh poor ashwin!! and yea.. i think am gonna follow ur steps.. bunkin coll lolzz..!!!loved it totally!!!

mangosteen said...

hahahahha...good stuff. Peter is right very 4-point-someone-ish. Fun and familar...waiting for more!

unpretentious said...

very well written sai...way to go....u ve got a flaire for it bro...keep writing more often....

unpretentious said...

oh and the description of ashwin asleep...thats just super literally picturise him he he....

Vivek said...

ha ha ha nice one
the good old days of sleeping in and out of class!

Anonymous said...

hey machi :) looks like im takin ur place here.. any secrets tat i shud be wary of??? :) haha.. am sure these will be my best days....... good post da.